"I am pregnant!"
Or, these:
"And, really excited about it!"
Yes, this pregnancy is fraught with many risks (for baby and for me). So is life. Anything AT ALL could happen to any one of us on any given day. Risk is a part of living. Truly living. So is joy.
Right now, our joy at receiving this wonderful gift from God far (FAR!) outweighs any fear of "what could happen".
We are aware of the risks.
We accept them.
Even more, we accept that God is in charge of ALL of it and we ask Him to help us. In that respect, this pregnancy is exactly like all of our other pregnancies.
How could we not rejoice at this incredible blessing that we have been given? We already have been blessed with so much, and here is one more awesome gift!
Kyle and I haven't stopped smiling since we found out.
Would you please join us in sharing our incredible joy, wonderment, and prayers for a healthy baby?
"St. Gianna and St. Luke, Pray for Us!"*
*At the beginning of every pregnancy, Kyle & I try to choose 1 male and 1 female patron saint to be our special intercessors; more often that not, one of those patrons gets a namesake out of the deal!