Thursday, March 7, 2013

Theme Thursday: Piles

Man, when I saw "piles" was this week's Theme Thursday topic, a few ideas came to mind.

Not one of them was appropriate to photograph or bring up in polite conversation.

What we do have in spades AND piles this week is SNOW!

S(n)o(w), that's what you're getting! (Sí, I went there)

As you may have noticed, I got our pop of red in there courtesy of my kids' inability to put away their outside toys.

One day, Cari is going to wake up and realize I am being a lazy, uninspired "photographer", and kick me out of this link-up.


  1. I never tired of seeing snow pictures, as we have a great lack of it in central Florida, but I suppose you all must be tired of it by now!

    1. Actually, I like snow and the change of seasons. But, by April, the winter has worn out it's welcome, even for me! I'd love to be in central Florida right about now!

  2. Over and over you people are winning me over to red. And seriously, what does it take to get kids to put away toys?! It's beyond me.

    1. I would be the very wrong-est person to ask. Epic fail going on 18 years.
